Artistic expression is a vital component of community. We affirm that artists are as valuable as any politician, business leader, teacher, or healthcare provider. We were created to express. It is our desperate desire. Many conquering nations have destroyed works of art as a statement of power, but they have yet to fully suppress the artist.

We live in an isolated world. Despite possessing the ability to remain constantly connected via social media and evolving technology, our communities long for tangible relationships. We believe art connects; we know beauty inspires; and we have experienced a feeling of community as a result. You are not alone.
Via Affirmativa celebrates beauty, affirms artists, and engages communities. We are a movement of artists and champions of art who place value on created works of beauty. We celebrate these expressions of beauty as created reflections of a greater, natural beauty; the created reflecting our creator. We affirm the role of artist as a worthwhile pursuit. We seek to create a national network of artists who support and encourage one another; mentor and critique one another.
We urge artists and art champions to engage with their communities–to find happiness right where they are by creating a more livable space. We have noticed that our neighbors long to engage in dialogue about truth and goodness, but they struggle to find an access point. Beauty provides an entryway. It allows us to discuss, meditate, and reflect upon artistic statements of truth. Art changes the conversation. If you want to be part of the Via Affirmativa movement, whether you are an artist or a champion of art, we invite you to email skipasjes@msn.com for more details on how you can connect.

© 2019 by Via Affirmativa